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A tall skyscraper with an antenna at the top, featuring a digital clock displaying the same time on two sides. The building has several floors, with a section labeled 'LATINO SEGUROS'. The sky is overcast, giving a greyish backdrop.
A tall skyscraper with an antenna at the top, featuring a digital clock displaying the same time on two sides. The building has several floors, with a section labeled 'LATINO SEGUROS'. The sky is overcast, giving a greyish backdrop.

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A Care2 Corretora de Seguros está localizada em São Paulo, SP, oferecendo serviços de corretagem de seguros e planos de previdência complementar.


Para correspondência:
2Care Care2 Corretora de Seguros LTDA CNPJ: 22.617.689/0001-30 Telefone(s): (11) 5509-7151
Avenida Paulista 1374 Andar 11 Sala B 141
Bela Vista
São Paulo SP


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